2719 White Mountain Highway
PO Box 409
North Conway, NH 03860
(603) 356-2961
Book Group
Every month the library hosts a book discussion where readers gather to talk about what they liked and disliked about our monthly read. The group meets the first Thursday of every month at 11:00 a.m.
Book discussions can be held as a hybrid meeting. A hybrid meeting can be attended in-person at the library or online via Zoom meeting.
To make these hybrid meetings fun and easy, we purchased a "Meeting Owl Pro" with funds provided by the ARPA grant. The Owl Pro is a premium 360-degree camera with eight microphones and 3 speakers combined into one easy-to-use device that integrates seamlessly with Zoom. The Owl's automatic zoom responds to who’s speaking and creates the experience of in-person participation for hybrid meetings. It creates the ideal inclusive atmosphere for remote participants of in-person events.
For a link to attend virtually, please email director@PopeLibraryNH.org
Cooking/Baking Club
How it works:
Every month the group will pick a theme for the following month (ex. vegetarian, chocolate, holiday, airfryer cooking, etc)
Pick a recipe you'd like to share with the group.
Bring that recipe and your prepared food to a library potluck with other members of the club.
Enjoy a bountiful meal.
Repeat next month!
This group meets monthly on the third Wednesday@ 12:30 PM at the library.
Please join us for the best lunch in town!
Story Time
Join us weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays for Story Time at 10:30 a.m. Children of all ages with caregivers are welcome to the Pope Memorial Library for story time.
Story Time is free and open to the public.
For more information please stop by the circulation desk or call (603) 356-2961.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Join Pope Memorial Library in the challenge! The goal? Read 1,000 books to your child/grandchild before they start kindergarten. Reading to your child will help prepare them to read on their own, plus it makes for a wonderful bonding activity with your child.
Is it hard? Not really if you think about it.
That's 1 book every day for 3 years
10 books every week for 2 years
3 books every day for 1 year!
Books can be repeated as many times as you'd like. Simply keep track whenever it's story-time (whether that's with Mom or Dad, Nana, an older sibling, the librarian, preschool teacher, etc.) Record logs are available at the library! And so are lots of good books!
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a non-profit organization with the goal of creating the next generation of readers. Learn more about them here.