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Our Space

A space for the community


The Pope Memorial Library meeting rooms may be used by reservation during the hours of library operation. Any group or individual requesting use of the Library’s meeting rooms, balconies, or display areas must adhere to library policies and the rules and regulations pertaining to use of the facilities. representative from each group using the library must be designated as the person responsible for coordinating the meeting or program andfor assuring that the program/s end at a designated time.


Conference Room Usage Policy


The Pope Memorial Library meeting rooms may be used by reservation during the hours of library operation. Any group or individual requesting use of the Library’s meeting rooms, balconies, or display areas must adhere to library policies and the rules and regulations pertaining to use of the facilities. representative from each group using the library must be designated as the person responsible for coordinating the meeting or program andfor assuring that the program/s end at a designated time.


For local, non-profit organizations there will be no charge to use the library’s facilities during regularly scheduled hours of operation, unless the meeting is a fee based program. If the nonprofit program is fee based, the usage charge is $20 per hour. All other persons or organizations will be charged $30 per hour for use of the facilities during hours of operation.


For local, non-profit organizations, there will be a $30 per hour fee for use of the facility outside of regularly scheduled hours of operation if the library director or an employee is available to open and close the library. For other persons, groups or for profit organizations the fee is $50.00 per hour for use outside of regularly scheduled library hours, if the library director or an employee is available to open and close the library.

The number of people using the library meeting rooms at any one time will be limited to the amount of space available; 16 in the second floor conference room, 49 in the lower level meeting room. For no cost room reservations for individuals and non-profit organizations, there is a minimum of 4 attendees for the upstairs conference room and 10 attendees for the lower level meeting room. If the minimum number is not met, meeting space may be reserved at $20/hr for nonprofits and $30/hr for other individuals and groups.


Library programs will have first priority when scheduling meeting rooms. Groups which schedule use of the library’s facilities on a regular basis may meet at the library only with the understanding that a library program has absolute priority in scheduling. In the event of a schedule conflict, at least a week’s notice will be given to the groups regularly scheduled.


Permission to use the library space does not constitute endorsement of the groups’ philosophy or objectives by the library. The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of any private property brought on the premises. Any damage to library property resulting from a meeting or program will be the responsibility of the organization or persons using the library. All library space is to be left in a neat and orderly condition.

No keys to the library will be given out to groups or individuals who wish to use the library’s facilities. A library employee must be in the building at all times and will be responsible for unlocking and locking the


The use of the library’s facilities by any organization or persons must be approved by a majority of the Directors at the library. The library reserves the right to alter these rules as deemed necessary by the executive director in conjunction with the Board of Directors.

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