General Reference
The Library offers research facilities including the regular Nonfiction Collection. An extensive Local History & Genealogy Reference Collection ("Res-H") and Vertical Files are available for in-library use.
The library also owns multiple local newspapers dating back over 150 years. Please see the staff for assistance.
The following are available:
Ancestry.com: This genealogy database provides access to more than 1 billion names, more than 3,000 databases, and the federal census 1790-1940. For in-house use only; please come to the library in person to get access information. Feel free to bring your personal laptop for use.
HeritageQuest Database: Search genealogy records, census, etc. Call the Library for username and password
Obituaries: We will be happy to search for a specific obituary for you if you can provide month and year of death. Please bear in mind that early obituaries were not always published in the local papers. Please note that there are unfortunately some small gaps in the sequence of the archived materials.
We have copies of The Reporter from 1898 through 1992.
We have copies of The Conway Daily Sun from 1998 until today.
We subscribe to the online obituaries published in the Conway Daily Sun.
Archive of local newspapers (out-of-print) at the Library: This information is currently being updated.
Town Reports and Vital Statistics: We have Town Reports and Records for the Town of Conway. Town Reports contain vital statistics which are births, deaths, and marriages.
Conway, NH Vital Statistics since 1880 (link courtesy of the Conway Public Library)
Cemeteries: (Links courtesy of the Conway Public Library)
Cemetery Records for Conway, Eaton, and Albany
Cemetery List of all 48 cemeteries in Conway, NH
Additional genealogy information can be found on the Internet:
General Genealogy Links:
HeritageQuest Online: With over 25,000 books, the entire U.S. Federal Census, PERSI™, and other expanding collections, HeritageQuest Online provides access to one of the largest collections of genealogy material in the country. This collection of research materials helps in tracing family history and studying American culture. Access information and a password needed- please contact the Library for that.
Order Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates online (Payable Service from Ancestry.com)
Local History
An extensive Local History & Genealogy Reference Collection ("Res-H") and Vertical Files are available for in-library use. There you will find many books on local history, Conway Town Reports, and many archived local newspapers.
Other resources:
Early History of Conway by Barbara Smart Lucy (link courtesy of the Conway Library.)
You might also want to check the Henney History Room at the Conway Library (603-447-5552) and the
Conway Historical Society. Both are excellent resources for local history.
The New Hampshire State Library contracts with vendors to provide access to a number of databases selected to meet the needs of New Hampshire's public libraries. All databases are available, without charge, at your local library. Many are also available to NH residents at home through their public library.
Please contact the Library at 356-2961 to request your login and password information for the databases that are accessible from home.