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Thank you to all who donated to the Pope Memorial Library in 2024!

Benjamin Champney - $1,000+

AMSCO Berry Companies

Joe Berry and Francie Hunter

Kathy and Ed Bergeron

Joan Brouillard

Bob and Margaret Cordy

Donna Dunn

Dr Jim and Kathleen Frenette

Marianne Jackson

Brenda and Martin Killourie

Judy and Doug Lamb

Northway Bank

Sydney and Jay Rose

Glenn and Sonni Sauders

Settler's OVP

Anne and Kirk Smith

Alec and Laura Tarberry

Joanne Wallace and Brian Moore

Ned and Karin Waltz

  in memory of Dr. Miles and Louise Waltz

White Mountain Oil

White Mountain Puzzles 

Colin and Meredith Wroblewski

Ted and Sharon Wroblewski


Harvey Gibson - $500+

Badger, Peabody & Smith

Michael and Angela Callahan

Wayne Clinton

Conway Daily Sun

Crest Chevrolet

Ellen Cuccio

Steve Duprey

Robert and Nancy Ekse

Susan Fox

James and Sarah Gibson

Jeff and Sally Graves

   in memory of Marty Whitney

Bob & Barbara Magoun

Maine Health/Memorial Hospital

North Country Fair Jewelers

Cheryle O'Neill and George Coolidge

Neil Osgood

Richard and Prudence Plusch

Elizabeth Seabury

Brian Smith

Joy Tarbell and Eddie Minyard

True North Veterinary Hospital

Karen and James Umberger

Union Bank

Valley Originals

Village Green Lawncare

Linda Walker

Lynne Walker

Emily Schouler - $101+

Candy and Doug Armstrong

Lisa Baughn

Patricia Bennett

Dick and Pat Brunelle

Carol Bryans

Bobbi Bunker

Country Cabinets

Joy and Richard Check

Frank and Margaret Connolly

Charles and Miriam Corson

Peter Crane

Tom & Penny Deans

Elaine and Dick DeFronzo

James Demonico

Peggy Donabedian

Stephen and Catherine Dowling

Sharyn Ekbergh

Charles and Margaret Felton

Arlene Fleming

Susan Fortier

Donna and Michael Gillen

Scott and Barbara Gleason

   in memory of Carrie Gleason

Shawn Gleason

Ellie Gordon

Linda Gray

David Harkess

Walter and Amalia Haydock

   in honor of Adelaide Haydock

Hooligans Restaurant

Infinger Insurance

Marianne Jackson

Paula and Randy Jones

Deborah Karmozyn

Irma and Talbert Lauter

Jean and Scott Lee

Jeff and Martha Leich

Pamela Lewis

Myrna Lloyd

Susan Logan

Gary and Karen MacDonald

Jane MacDonald and Katie Creedon

Muriel and Peter Magg

Andrea Masters and Elaine Stockbridge

   in honor of Nic Masters

May Kelly's Cottage Bar

   in memory of Stephanie McArdle

Jean Melczarek

Sheila Mosson estate

MWV Bicycling Club

MWV Kiwanis Club

Bee and Bob Muzerall

Charles and Gail Olsen

Cheryl and John Pace

Peter and Sharon Pietz

Linda and William Prushinski

Joe and Eileen Redmond

Lily Robles and Michael Brink

Jadwiga Rosenthal

Rotary Club of North Conway

Ankie and Gary Rustad

John Santuccio

Paul and Lynda Schuepp

Lee Schuh

Elizabeth Seabury

Mary Shea

Frederick and Barbara Slader

Scott and Catherine Steesy

Sandra and Robert Taylor

Linda and William Terry

Bradley and Mary Thayer

Sally Treadwell

Linda Waldron

White Birch Books

John and Ann Wilcox

Centennial Member - $100

Elizabeth Andrews

Waltraud Bihn

William Brochu

Pam and Wayne Bunker

  in honor of Bobbi Bunker

Mary Anne Carver-Taylor

Mary Castonguay

Hadley Champlin and Anne Pillion

John Colbath

Ann Coleman

Janice Crawford

Katie Creedon and Jane MacDonald

Marietta and Robert Deegan

​Arlene Fleming

Donna & Michael Gillen

Leigh Grady

Stefi Hastings

Kathleen Head

John and Patricia Hoffman

Deborah Karmozyn

Dan and Judy Kennedy

Sandy and Joan Kurtz

Kate Lamneck

Irma and Talbert Lauter

Myrna Lloyd

   in memory of Nan White

Dave and Jeanne Mason

Glady and Scott Olson

Philip and Ann Ostroski

Sharon and Pete Pietz

Lauri Roode

Ellen Russell

Diane and Dan Ryan

Kevin Ryan

Kathryn Shea

Mark Shepherd

Virginia and Larry Shobe

Dr Faye and Don Soderberg

Lorri Upton

Maureen Wagner

John and Ann Wilcox

Michelle Wilcox

Steve and Sandra Wolner


Jesse Badger

Arlene Baldino

Armand Bassi

Patricia Bennett

Daphne Boswell

Lucien and Patricia Brassard

Noreen and John Brennan

Judy and Joe Burgess

Christie Cannell

John and Kristen Carey

Gordon Cormack

Mark Corna

Juanita Costello

Mark and Nugget Cunningham

Deborah Danik

Susan Davis

Rebecca and David DeGeorge

Deborah Doucet

Jo-Ann Driscoll

Anne Dunne

Kevin Early

Martha Erickson

Margaret Fargo

Caryn and Gordon Farrell

Arlene Fleming

Gay Folland

Karen Franke

Kristin Fraser

Chris and Laurie Gallivan

Betsy Gemmecke

Drew and Jennifer Gentile

Gregory and Sara Godek

Beth Gray

Bob & Kit Griffin

Gwyneth and Donald Halloran

Beverly and Donald Harrison

Sharon and Bruce Hasfjord

Nancy and Carroll Hayes

Dulcie Heiman

Paul Hennigan

Courtney Henry

Patricia Henry

​Dorey Hilshey

Barbara and Earl Hopkins

Linda and Reno Jandreau

Denise and Walt Jaronski

Vickie and Rick Jenkinson

Paula and Randy Jones

Suzanne Jones

Patricia Kelly

Elizabeth Kelsea

James and Elizabeth Kench

Cornelia and Donald Kilgour

Heather and Andrew Kramp

Francine and James Lampidis

Susan Lathrop

Janet Lavoie

Jeffrey and Katherine Lea

Patrick Leblanc

Regina LeBlanc

Jeff and Cheryl Levin

Gary and Karen MacDonald

Vicki and John MacDougall

Andrea Masters and Elaine Stockbridge

Sheila Matz

Joan McGrath

Jean Melczarek

Deborah Moffat

Richard and Dolly Mullowney

Frank Murphy

RIchard Murphy and Patricia Bailey

Victoria and George Murphy
Robin Normandin

Thomas and Yvonne O'Connor

Anne O'Leary

David and Sally Olson

Kent Olson

Gail Paine

Margaret Papini

Julia Penzina

Joseph and Judy Perez

Anne Peterson

Brooke Peterson

Pat and Joe Peterson

George Petryczka

Ted Phillips

Carole Pierce

Coleen Popivchak

Nate Ramsbottom

Dana and Christine Russian

Stacy Sand

Vitoria Schirduan and James Proulx

Janet Sweeney

RIck Tillotson

Nancy Travers

Marie Walsh

Xinyuan Wang

Jessica Wicker

Ben and Sue Wilcox

Maureen and Stephen Wilson

Sarah Young-Knox

Renee Zimmerman

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